Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Environmentality, 3rd April 2013

We had a jammed packed show today with 3 guest, Emma de Campo and Chandra Sundareswara from the Moreland Energy Foundation (MEFL), and Dr. Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Senior Advisor for the InternationalPOPs Elimination Network (IPEN) and Senior Advisor for National Toxics NetworkInc. The Moreland Energy Foundation (MEFL) is non-for-profit organisation working with community that provides advice to residents and businesses about easy energy saving tips. The National Toxicity Network is a non- profit, non-government organisation that works with communities across Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific towards a toxic free world. IPEN is comprised of over 700 non-government organisations over 100 countries, all working towards a world which chemicals that are produced and used in way that are safe on humans, animals and the environment

First up were Emma and Chandra to chat about MEFL’s segments about business energy efficiency. A series of interviews with business owners, the segments highlights some of the great work by Chandra and the Positive Charge team. Federally funded by the Energy Efficiency Information Grants Program, working across 9 municipalities in the north and numerous multicultural communities, the program works with businesses to make saving energy easy, simple and affordable!
Unfortunately we were unable to play the segments, hopefully when Emma and Chandra are back in a few weeks the segments will be working. To find out more go to the website or call 9385 8555

Dr. Mariann Lloyd-Smith provided us with an engrossing discussion about endocrine disruptors. It was alarming to discover that out of the 80,000 chemicals in the world; only a handful has been assessed, and that Australia has only tested 2-3 thousand of its 3800 chemicals.  Found in a range of products such as plastics, preservatives and pesticides, endocrine disruptors interfere with our ability to regulate growth, metabolism and development by mimicking natural hormones. The effects of endocrine disruptors can be seen to effects at very low levels. Exposure at early development can lead to reproductive issues later in life, behavioural and learning disorders, endocrine cancers, diabetes, fat development and weight gain.  For the latest effects see World healthOrganisation: state of science of endocrine disruptors
With trade secrets protecting industries from labelling and listing harmful chemicals, we can all do our part by choosing to purchase organic and things made from natural products, eating less meat and dairy, avoiding exposure, minimising cosmetic products, and put pressure on companies, industry and governments to regulate these chemicals.    
To learn more about the Stockholm convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), click here

For further reading: Slow death by rubber duck

Don't forget to tune into the podcast!

Tracked played:
Yothu Yindi- Healing Stone
Charlie McGee- Get together
Tarmac Adam
Grace Knight- Your Cheatin Heart  

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